Nowadays women are very conscious about their “Health and fitness” after pregnancy. Keeping your body fit and healthy needs good Nutrition and Physiotherapy, not just during pregnancy but before and after as well. This is not a onetime shortcut step but a lifelong commitment to staying healthy. So, just as pregnancy care is an important aspect for each and every one of us, so is pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy care.
Today I’ll guide your focus on postnatal care through physiotherapy to deal with common post pregnancy issues like increased belly fat, incontinence, back pain, breastfeeding problems etc.
So, along with a healthy diet the right physiotherapy can help deal with the following-

1) Belly fat- Toning of abdominal muscles is most important after delivery. With physiotherapy we help strengthen the core muscles to get back the tone of the belly/abdominal area.

2) Incontinence- Women who undergoes normal delivery usually complains of incontinence (dripping of urine). Physiotherapy helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to reduce this issue.

3) Back pain -The most important area during pregnancy is you’re ‘BACK’. In the nine months of pregnancy your body changes completely. The back posture and it’s alignment to the body changes ( ‘lordosis’). Post delivery also women most often complain of back pain and trouble breastfeeding with the right posture. Physiotherapy will not only relieve you of pain but help you manage right lactation practices.
You need to understand and learn:-

-To align and rectify most importantly you’re “POSTURE” after pregnancy.
-The right way and posture to feed the baby.
-Prevent breast engorgement.
-The right ergonomics post pregnancy

Healing and understanding post delivery issues like back pain, urinary incontinence, abdominal sag etc is much needed in order to have a pleasant, happy post pregnancy and lactation experience.

POST PREGNANCY CARE (1.5 Months package)
Physiotherapy 5 sessions + 3 follow-ups
Nutrition and Diet- 1 session + 1 follow-up
Body Composition Analysis

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